Wednesday, June 3

Old man's studio

This is my grandfather’s studio. There was a lot of stuff I didn’t understand and have never seen them before when we were kids. But if he got time, he will allow me to sit next to him to see the magic happen. When I was 10 years old, I stayed in his studio more often because he was teaching me how to use Morse code. It’s funny because we always used the code as the secret message to plan our secret mission behind my parents. My mom sometimes got angry just because she had not idea of what we are trying to do.

He also taught me how to use the Internet to talk to the people from different places. I remember my name on the Internet station was ET-42. It’s kind funny, I usually just ask people’s name and what are they doing, and I would just ignore them and started play computer games. I believe I was the first kid in my school to use the computer with the something similar to the Internet. And I think that’s why I am doing what I am doing now. He really changed my life and opened my eye to see the possibility of the world.

Monday, June 1

Ice cream time

This was the ice cream that we always had. I was too little to remember what it tastes, but my older sis told me it comes with 4 different flavors and colors. My grandfather always came home with this asa treat. he always said "Ice cream time."